
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Vim: Apply some operation with external command on each line

Say I have below list of numbers those are some file size in KBs and I want to
convert them to GB:

these numbers are in KBs say I want them in GBs
visually select the lines by pressing Shift+V

g/^/exe ".!sed -e 's/.*/&\\/(1024*1024)/' | bc -l"

Sunday, March 4, 2012

search n replace with multiple files in Vim

Suppose you have 100+ perl or C files and you want to replace 'xxx' with 'yyy' in all those files :
$vim *.pl
:bufdo! s/xxx/yyy/g

:wall -> save all.

same thing you can do with files opened in vim as in different windows.
:windo! s/xxx/yyy/g

other ways :
sed -i.bak -e 's/xxx/yyy/' *.pl ( with backup )
sed -i -e 's/xxx/yyy/' *.pl ( with no backup )
perl -p -i -e 's/xxx/yyy/g' *.pl ( careful no back up !! ).

Happy Vimming !!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Vim alphabet soup

aappend mode
Aappend to end of line
btraverse word wise back
Btraverse word wise back
cchange followed by motion command
cw - change a word
3cw - change 3 words right
c0 - that is c zero, change from current pos to begining of line
c$ - change from current pos to till end of line
ct - change till followed by char or pattern i.e motion forward dir.
cf - change till including followed forward dir.
cT - change till followed by char or pattern i.e motion backward dir.
cF - change till including followed backward dir.
cgg - change from cur.pos. to beg. of file
cG - change from cur.pos. to end of file
ciw - change a word, when you are in middle of word
caw - change a word including space after word
ci - could be quotes brackets or braces
CChange till end of line ( = c$ )
ddelete can be preceded count and followed by motion
dw - delete a word
3dw - delete 3 words right
dd - delete entire line, can precede count, use p to paste same line
d0 - that is d zero, delete from current pos to begining of line
d$ - delete from current pos to till end of line
dt - delete till followed by char or pattern i.e motion forward dir.
df - delete till including followed forward dir.
dT - delete till followed by char or pattern i.e motion backward dir.
dF - delete till including followed backward dir.
dgg - delete from cur.pos. to beg. of file
dG - delete from cur.pos. to end of file
diw - delete a word, when you are in middle of word
daw - delete a word including space after word
dwwhp - swap words
ddp - swap lines
DDelete till end of line ( = d$ )
emove to word wise, places cursor at end of each word
Emove to word wise, places cursor at end of each WORD
ff is a motion char it should followed by a char
To [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the right. The cursor is placed on {char}
FF is a motion char it should followed by a char
To [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the left. The cursor is placed on {char}
gg is a motion command it should be followed by some chars
g~w - change case of a word
10gg - to goto 10th line of file
gg - goto begining of file
gi - goto last insert position
gf - goto file on cursor pos.
gd - goto definition of cursor pos
Ggoto end of file
hmove left one char <-
Htop of screen
iinsert mode
IInsert mode , insert always starts at beginning of line
jdown one line
JJoin line
kup one line
Kdocumentation for word under cursor
lright one char ->
Lbottom of screen
mset mark followed by register char ( a-z A-Z 0-9)
MMiddle of screen
nnext find
NPrev find
oinsert blank next to current line
Oinserts blank above current line
Ppaste at cursor pos.
rreplace one char
10r. - replaces 10 dots
RReplace mode
ssubstitute single char
Ssubstitue entire line
tTill before [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the right. The cursor is placed on the character left of{char
; is used to find next, comma is used for finding prev occurrence of {char}
TTill before [count]'th occurrence of {char} to the left. The cursor is placed on the character right of{char
; is used to find next, comma is used for finding prev occurrence of {char}
UUndo all changes on current line
vlinewise visual mode but from current pos
Vlinewise visual mode
wword wise , moves to beginning of word right
Wword wise , moves to beginning of word left
xdelete a char at current cur.pos
xp - swap next two characters around
Xdelete previous char at current cur.pos
yyank or copy
zz with motion is used for folds
~swap case
0zero, begin of line
^begin of line
$end of line
%to match corresponding brackets,braces or curlies
match brackets
matchit.vim : % now matches tags <tr><td><script> etc
#find and highlight all occurrences of current word backward
*find and highlight all occurrences of current word forward
-move prev. line
+move next line
.to repeat last insert
=(re)indent the text on the current line or on the area selected (SUPER)
>>shift line right, can preced count
>i} - shifts right whole content within curlies
>a} - shifts right whole content including curlies
<<shift line left
/forward search pattern
?backward search pattern

guulowercase line
gUUuppercase line
~invert case (upper->lower; lower->upper) of current character
gfopen file name under cursor (SUPER)
gadisplay hex, ascii value of character under cursor
g8display hex value of utf-8 character under cursor
ggg?Grot13 whole file
xpswap next two characters around
dwwhpswap words
ddpswap lines
CTRL-A,CTRL-Xincrement, decrement next number on same line as the cursor
CTRL-R=5*5insert 25 into text
=(re)indent the text on the current line or on the area selected (SUPER)
=%(re)indent the current braces { ... }
G=ggauto (re)indent entire document
!!filter through shell command
5!! - filter 5 lines though shell command equal to( :.,+4! )
CTRL-e, CTRL -y- in insert mode holding these key combinamtions copy contents from below, above lines.
*g* g# : find word under cursor (forwards/backwards)
CTRL -N: word completion in insert mode
/ CTRL -R CTRL -WPull onto search/command line
q:to traverse ex mode history

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Extend your bash completion !!

I have downloaded zip file, I wanna extract it on command line.

$ unzip [tab][tab] -> if it displays only zip files instead of all files is that won't be good ?

Yes !!

here you go :

put below line(s) in your .bashrc file or in .bash_profile you are done with it !!
complete -A file -X '!*.zip' unzip

for other completions :

complete -A file -X '!*.php' php
complete -A file -X '!*.pl' perl
complete -A file -X '!*.c' gcc
complete -A file -X '!*.sh' bash
complete -A file -X '!*.gz' gunzip
complete -A file -X '!*.tgz' gunzip
complete -A file -X '!*.Z' gunzip
complete -A file -X '!*.gz' tar
complete -A file -X '!*.tgz' tar
complete -A file -X '!*.Z' tar
complete -A file -X '!*.awk' awk
complete -A file -X '!*.sed' sed
complete -A file -X '!*.zip' unzip

now you can get completion for php,perl or create for any of your favorite language.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Persistent undo with Vim 7.3

Persistent Undo -> You can do undo after save and quit, reopen later on a file.

Create a directory 'undodir' under your Vim's runtime path i.e ~/.vim
$ mkdir ~/.vim/undodir

Put below settings in your .vimrc file :
au BufWritePre /tmp/* setlocal noundofile
set undodir=~/.vim/undodir
set undofile
set undolevels=1000 "maximum number of changes that can be undone
set undoreload=10000 "maximum number lines to save for undo on a buffer reload

Save .vimrc and quit.

Now open some text file do some changes in it, save and exit. Re-open the same file and press 'u' will undo your previous changes.

Happy Vimming !!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Perl Omni Completion with VIM ( aka intelli sense)

Download omniperl Vim pluginn :

goto your Vim's runtime directory :
Ex: ~/.vim

extract there then open omniperl.vba with vim :
$cd ~/.vim
$vim omniperl.vba

they type :so %
(so that it will extracts required files from vba file
*Note: if you got any errors try to install vimball plug in before doing above step
follow instructions in 'install details section

open your .vimrc file and put below lines :
filetype plugin on
autocmd FileType pl set omnifunc=perlcomplete#OmniPerl_Complete
function! SmartComplete ()
" Remember where we parked...
let cursorpos = getpos('.')
let cursorcol = cursorpos[2]
let curr_line = getline('.')

" Special subpattern to match only at cursor position...
let curr_pos_pat = '\%' . cursorcol . 'c'

" Tab as usual at the left margin...
if curr_line =~ '^\s*' . curr_pos_pat
return "\<TAB>"

" If no contextual match and after an identifier, do keyword completion...
if curr_line =~ '\k' . curr_pos_pat
return "\<C-N>"

" Otherwise, just be a ...
if curr_line =~ '\(\->\|::\)' . curr_pos_pat
return "\<C-X>\<C-O>"
return "\<TAB>"

" Remap for smart completion on various characters...
inoremap =SmartComplete()

you are done with it !!

now you can test it , open a new perl file :


now type below :

use DBI;

pressing tab after typing DBI-> will popup methods of that module.

Damn good isn't it???

Happy Vimming !!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Generate CSV list in Vim

Put below mappings in your .vimrc file :

nnoremap \, :%s/$/,/:%g/^/-j
vnoremap \, y:$opmz:'z,$s/$/,/:'z,$g/^/-j

Example :

for example if you have numbers as :

inorder to make csv list out of that, after putting those mappings in .vimrc file just press \,
in command mode will generate :
1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

you can select particular lines or block using visual mode and can generate csv only for that values also.

Happy Vimming !!

